Sunday, July 28, 2013

My Little Monster

Didi is my little monster. He is so CUTE! I may have to admit that I am a little racist, I love Asian babies! Sorry I can't help it. 
So I have been trying to spend as much time as possible with him. Being blind he teaches me so many things.  He amazes me. Yes I am a ballerina so I have a pretty good sense of balance, but if I close my eyes I get SO dizzy. I lose track of where I am in "space."
He is a great example of faith. He is starting to stand/ trying to walk. He can't see me. All he can do is hear me. If he gets close enough he can feel/touch/smell me. He has faith that I am there and that if he starts to fall I will be there to catch him.
So this is Didi. He is reading here. He looks for the braille on his books. He is so happy. 

This is him at church. He plays with a toy car with a rattle so he can hear it. He was so cute. All the other kids just look at him funny. Why do you make so much noise? Why do you shake everything? 

He is getting so big. He isn't a baby anymore! :(

This is a necklace my mom got me for graduation. Besides English, these are our two other ways of saying I love you. Wo Ai Ni means I love you in Chinese. So I tell Alex Wo ai ni didi!

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